Tax Enquiry Fee Protection Insurance

We recommend tax enquiry fee protection insurance to our clients to guard against the cost of an investigation or dispute.

We offer clients insurance cover for our professional costs incurred in the following investigations and disputes:

  • Self-assessment enquiries
  • Corporation tax accounts investigations and enquiries
  • VAT disputes and inspections
  • Employer compliance investigations (PAYE, P11D, NIC)

We have experienced a number of investigations under the self-assessment regime and enquiries can be undertaken on a random basis.

Our experience is that fees incurred in dealing with investigations can be as high as £5,000. Now, more than ever, we feel that advice on the tax enquiry fee protection insurance scheme is necessary.

Therefore, we strongly recommend that our clients take advantage of insurance protection.

Download our brochure here

Next steps?

For more information on Nunn Hayward’s Fee Protection Insurance, contact Suzanne Mason, on 01753 888211 or email her at