Taxation Services For Probate Practitioners

Estates of deceased persons – Taxation matters dealt with

Death brings with it not only a need to bring up to date the tax affairs of the deceased, but also a requirement to deal with the taxation position of the estate during the period of administration.

Where these are matters dealt with only infrequently, particularly by those who are not tax specialists, they can prove extremely time-consuming and mistakes can occur.

Nunn Hayward LLP Offers

  • A service to deal with all tax matters relating to the period up to the client’s date of death; and
  • A service to deal with all tax matters in respect of the period of administration of the estate.
  • The service is customised to the Probate Practitioner’s needs and priced according to agreed levels of responsibility.

Key Benefits

  1. Obtaining and clarifying outstanding details for period to date of death, including:
    • Details from HMRC of all tax matters considered to be outstanding
      Detailing information required from Probate Practitioner
      Missing information direct from family, if appropriate and from third parties

  2. Preparation of appropriate Tax Returns to include:
    • Self ­Assessment Tax Returns
      Checking HMRC calculations/Taxpayer Statements of Account
  3. Calculating outstanding taxation liabilities / repayments due for inclusion in IHT accounts.
  4. Obtaining clearance from HMRC that no enquiries are to be made, in order to avoid delay in administration of estate.
  5. In respect of period of administration:
    • Registration of Estate on HM Revenue and Customs Trust and Estates Register if the Estate has a requirement to do so;
      Preparation of Estate Accounts;
      Preparation of Estate Tax Return; or
      Summary statements of income/gains depending upon specific circumstances; or
      Obtaining Revenue clearance that no further reporting is required;
      Preparing tax deduction certificates for beneficiaries, if appropriate.
  6. Providing the option for executors to take out fee protection insurance in respect of potential HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) enquires.

Call to arrange a free no obligation consultation with on of our expert advisors on 01753 888211 or email Glen Reed

If you would like help with any of our services contact us to speak to one of the team.

Call us on 01753 888211

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